About Us
Veterans ROC is a non-profit organization that compassionately services the spouse and children who were left behind by Veterans who died by suicide, by providing down payment/closing costs assistance from generous donations, grants and sponsorships.
Our Mission
Veterans ROC supports spouses and children of veterans who have died by suicide with various support initiatives. We want to raise awareness among veterans who might be facing financial and mental health difficulties and might have suicide tendencies.
Our Vision
we want to work to bring about a change in military regulations that deny families of veterans who have committed suicide the benefits and support that are usually granted to those surviving spouses and children whose partner or father/mother dies serving in the United States Military.
What we do
We assist with down payment/closing costs (gift) for spouses who attempted to use their spouse's Certificate of Eligibility (COE) and were denied.

Our Goal is to support spouses and children of veterans